To celebrate our 12 month anniversary (November 2015), we’ve cooked up a new deal!

You can purchase the first 30 episodes of Life Of Alexander for just USD$30!

That’s a buck an episode or, as our shows tend to run 60-90 minutes (sometimes longer), about 0.6 cents per minute! You’ll be getting 40 – 50 hours of Ray & Cam swearing, giggling, rockin’ out, and oh yeah, talking HISTORY for a measly USD$30 (a little bit more for Aussies because your exchange rate sucks at the moment – hey don’t blame us, take it up with the morons who voted in the government!).

To preempt the usual questions:

YES – once you’ve paid for the pack and downloaded them to your phone or computer, you are free to listen to them once, twice, three times a lady, or burn them to a CD, burn them on a BBQ, give them to a friend, give them to your worst enemy – they are yours.

YES – they will work on iPhone and Android and that other one.

YES – they are totes awesome.

Yes – we love you long time.

If you have any other questions, email Ray.

LULZ! JK! Don’t email Ray, he just takes his cut and says thank you! Email Cam if you have questions and one of his minions will get back to you.

PLEASE NOTE: When you register our system will automatically send you an email with everything you need to know. If you don’t see that turn up in a few minutes, please check your spam folder and search for an email from ‘[email protected]’.